Thursday, November 1, 2018


Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
                                                   -H.L. Mencken

Or, if you prefer…

The dogmas of the…past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.
                                            - A. Lincoln

It's on you to choose.

Neither ennui nor cynicism nor any excuse whatsoever for inaction will mitigate your responsibility as a human being, no less as an American citizen. Moral vanity doesn't cut it. You can't escape the future except by dying. In the interim, history comes for you.

So vote like it's the 21st century and you know it.

Vote to embrace the future, not relitigate the past.

Vote to Agitate. Agitate. AgitateBecause the fugitive slave Frederick Douglass learned the hard way how to maintain liberty's architecture, and he wasn't wrong.

What's true then is true now. Short of rebellion, there's the vote.

This great American experiment depends on we the people collectively imposing our individual will upon government, at least every two years. When we don't, we've chosen to give the future over to demagogues and schemers. Fearmongers, extremists and the multitude of liars always eager to define and determine for us, who we are.

We already know how that story turns out...

Vote to empower and extend a more perfect union, not to gnaw over its 20th Century bones.

Fellow citizens, we can not escape history, Mr. Lincoln said.

They didn't. You can't. Your children won't.

So vote, dammitIt's the least you can do.


  1. Fab text, images, and notions. Bravo! Encore!

  2. Thank-you, Jeff. Laying off blame on government or the media or politicians for our fate is a cowardly excuse. It's always on us. It's only on us. That's the beauty of the experiment, and we should embrace it.
