Life is resilient.
Under circumstances where humans wouldn't last a day, even
life's most modest forms find a way.
That's manifest.
There is but to look.
By contrast, human construct - what we build to insulate and protect ourselves from life - is maintained only via perpetual maintenance.
We must work hard at that.
Constantly. Diligently. Wisely.
Lest life eats our construct and us in the bargain.
Inevitably, structures fail. Even despite our better efforts, much less prevailing good intentions.
Sometimes, philosophical construct is built sufficiently durable that it survives despite all odds.
Cracked, battered and worn, still it provides.
But by refusing to engage the profoundly hard work while still counting on our structures to protect us…
…we yearn only for the most common end.
And on the occasion that's the case then there's no cause to cry, if/when our vaunted constructs collapse of neglect and the ultimate fate we've unwisely courted for so long finally arrives.
Life finds a way. It will, with or without us. So it's high time we get back to work, there's much needs to be done.
Undeniably, the season is dark. Opportunity runs short.
But for today at least, the choice to fully embrace life remains ours.