Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Cycle of Life

Or in this case, the fungus among us.


Typical to autumn, what light manages to reach the forest floor ranges from stark…


…to downright dingy.


Not infrequently at the same time, in a single frame.


That’s a once supremely daunting photographic challenge digital capture today renders all but moot. We do indeed live in an age of imaging wonder.


Though otherwise productive, this past season the real challenge proved to be finding suitable fungi to shoot. I'm guessing drought took its toll.


Right at the end, after a long spate of coolish temps and adequate rainfall, the fungal season turned propitious.


All the land-looking it took to finally find some was a happy bonus.


In any event, autumn’s splendor is retreated now and the oak savanna is grey.


Winter’s crept in.


Tallgrass bows beneath its weight.