Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Shining (soft) Light on the Prairie

Meteorological Summer

Considering these last three days we've kissed 90 degrees Fahrenheit, science would seem to have it about right, this time.

Except a week ago when on a soggy morning I went land looking at a local prairie remnant, sustenance for summer's pollinators proved scant.

What I found instead on a soft morning before the rains returned was leftover brown being overwhelmed by spring green.

Resolute green, even...

All manner of green.


Early bees and butterflies are out & about around our garden, where lupine rage in full bloom and the chives are lavender bolted.

Yet out on the remnant just a few days ago, seasonal abundance remained reticent.



If such a thing can be said about real life.

While walking, I spotted nary a butterfly nor a bee. 1st of the year mosquitoes however, were abundant.

I'll take that as a sure sign.


  1. Were these taken on the old Dunning grounds, or was this a more far-flung afield. Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. Dunning. It tickles me that the old Potter's Field/Madhouse has grown so lush.
