Thursday, November 11, 2021

Shining Light on the Prairie - Falling

We got four inches of rain during October. An unusual amount, but it'd been dry for so long the water was welcome.

Then it turned unexpectedly nice. Late autumn prairie blooms held on. Some few even seemed to start afresh.

A pair of visitors stopped by.

How long they stayed I can't say. It's safe to assume they've flown from these parts by today.

Near the end of October, change accelerated. Light grew longer.

Autumn piled on.

At times the light fell near perfect. Then life on the prairie was revealed in high relief.


  1. That's a nice pair of sandhill cranes you photographed there. Or herons? Where did they stop by to say hello to you?

    1. Sandhills. Middlefork Savana. I figure they'd been up there with the swells all summer and by the time they saw me were used to ignoring all the stupid humans. At any rate, I'm less than ten feet away and that's just not likely to ever happen again. Geez those're big birds.
